Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year, New Resolutions

The Kitchen Chaotic is the brain-child of my mother and myself.  My whole adult life up until last year has been spent living on my own, but within ten minutes of my mother.  Now, I live in Indianapolis, Indiana and she is still in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

I grew up with my mother cooking fabulous, rustic, daily dinners.  I moved out, never having bothered to learn to cook, at age eighteen.  I never bothered to cook after moving out because I made sure to work in restaurants, cafes, or grocery stores.  I never lived anywhere with a kitchen larger than a broom closet. 

Last year I moved away from Milwaukee to live with my boyfriend: an amazing cook.  Needless to say, I continued to be blissfully ignorant of the ways of the kitchen.  Now, my boyfriend is laid up, recovering from ankle surgery, and I have had to have a crash course in cooking.  So far I have been focused mainly on not poisoning anyone... And yes, I have caused upset tummies in some of my earlier attempts...

The Kitchen Chaotic is my New Year's resolution.  I am going to teach myself how to cook, how to be healthy (I ignored my doctor's prognosis of insulin resistance last December due to disbelief and sheer stubbornness), and to stay in touch with those far away.

Day 1:  Not the greatest day to start this.  I woke up with a headache and tummy ache.  So breakfast is just for the boy today.  Eggs (Over Easy) with Bacon and Wheat Toast.  (Yes, I capitalized that as though it was a fancy breakfast option on some menu. Makes it sound more intriguing, in my opinion.)

1 comment:

  1. I'm proud of you, too! I look forward to having you cook a meal for me the next time I see you. <3
